

2016-04-14 轻敲右边添我 持明讲堂

转发分享 获无量功德


摩根弗里曼的新节目《The Story of God》第一季共有六集,4月3日星期日晚上在美国的国家地理频道首播。在第二集探讨宗教里的末日预言,法王噶玛巴参与了这一集的录制与访问。


Morgan Freeman (摩根):You look kinda young for this station. 身居这样的地位,您看上去太年轻了。

H.H. Karmapa(法王):yes. 是的。

Morgan Freeman (摩根):So what is it like? I mean is it alright?怎么样?还可以吗?

H.H. Karmapa(法王):One way it's meaningful, one way it's a little bit heavy. People have a lot of expectations. 很有意义,同时也有些沉重。人们总是有很多期望。

Morgan Freeman (narration):The expectation is heavy for a thirty-year old man, the Karmapa must teach how to find enlightenment whilst still working to find it for himself. 


Morgan Freeman (摩根):Enlightenment,how does one even begin to form that trial to attain it?那么如何开始证悟之路呢?

H.H. Karmapa(法王):wow 哇

Morgan Freeman(摩根):Big question isn't it?有点大的题目是吗?

H.H. Karmapa(法王):The first part is maybe you need to recognise yourself, like where are you from and why am I here?首先你或许应该先认识你自己,比如你从哪里来?我为什么会在这里?

Morgan Freeman(摩根):So I would like to get some instruction about enlightenment please. 那么请您教我一些证悟方法好吗?

H.H. Karmapa(法王):I will try. 我试试

Morgan Freeman (narration):The Karmapa tells me meditation is the key to enlightenment, if the apocalypse is the revelation of the true will of God, meditation aims to reveal the true will of me.


H.H. Karmapa(法王):There are lots of different ways to meditate but the simple one is to focus on your breathing. 有很多禅修的方法,简单的是专注于自己的呼吸。

Morgan Freeman(摩根):Just the one I know.我刚好知道这种。

H.H. Karmapa(法王):Relax your mind and don't think about the future, at the moment just focus on your breathing and that is all. 放轻松,不要思考未来,此刻,只是专注于你的呼吸。

(Meditation begins with the Karmapa's chant of The Refuge)

伴随法王唱诵皈依文, 法王带领弗雷曼开始禅修。

(Meditation ends)禅修结束

Morgan Freeman(摩根):It's beautiful!Can I ask you a philosophical question?很美妙!我可以请教您一个哲学问题吗?

H.H. Karmapa(法王):Philosophical? I will try.哲学吗?试试吧。

Morgan Freeman(摩根):It's about the westerners idea of the apocalypse, the end of time in being. Is there such a thing in Buddhism?When everything stops and the world comes to an end, and mankind is judged. 是西方关于世界末日,人类终结的观点。佛教有这样的看法吗?一切都将停止,世界末日来临,人类会被审判。

H.H. Karmapa(法王): We believe that everyday, somewhere one universe is ending and another one is beginning, but it's not like there is a judgement day, it's a little bit different.  佛教认为每一天,宇宙的某个地方都有结束也有新的开始,而不是认为有一个审判日,有一些不同。

Morgan Freeman(摩根):So actually what your saying is what I think is that there is no end only change, one thing ends another begins. 所以我想您在说没有结束只有改变,一个结束是另一个的开始。

H.H. Karmapa(法王):Yes, maybe there is no absolute ending. 是,没有一个绝对的结束。

Morgan Freeman(ending narration):When you meet someone like his holiness kamarpa, I guess the thing that stands out the most is his humility, the kamarpa doesn't give you the impression that, he thinks of himself as greater than you, higher than you or better in any way than you. He's here like the rest of us on this quest trying to understand why we're here, seeking to unveil the truth, seeking enlightenment. 









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